Talking about sustainability today has become a duty in every sector but also a big bluff. We easily encounter an abuse of this word every day in relation to any area.
In agriculture it is a duty that must be accompanied not only with decisions in the field but also with related activities such as our agritourism.
The Pometti Company has decided to assimilate the sustainability path through every decision that is made in the company. We are aware of the difficulties we encounter and will encounter in trying to be coherent but we want to do our utmost to respect future and past generations.
For several years the Pometti Company has abandoned the use of chemistry within the attached properties but has decided to be certified by an external body in order to make its path clear and safe.
Being organic means strengthening the identity of ORGANIC with all the tools at our disposal, from traceability along the entire supply chain to the link between the products and the territory, up to the production techniques that must guarantee the greatest possible environmental sustainability, soil conservation, contributing to a high level of biodiversity and a non-toxic environment.
ICEA is our certification body:

We introduced this technique a couple of years ago starting from olive trees and the awards, as well as the satisfaction achieved, have comforted us in proceeding towards this new but also old cultivation technique and approach towards the products donated by the earth.
Regenerative agriculture is a set of techniques to rebuild the vitality of the soil which is based on permaculture.
It combines traditional knowledge with modern scientific knowledge, imitating natural processes, to also ensure many other benefits. Among these, the fact of reducing soil erosion and remineralizing it, guaranteeing the purity of water in aquifers or reducing the use of pesticides.
The Pometti Company has invested significant resources to try to guarantee environmental sustainability for almost all of our product packaging.
Our bottles are 100% certified recycled glass ( the labels are FSC certified like all the paper materials we use, our corks are made from sugar cane while the wine capsules are made of 70% recycled aluminium, the maximum we have found on the market.
Many ask us why we don’t use corks and the reason is very simple.
Our caps are the only ones with the net zero carbon footprint certification. The same cannot be said of traditional caps, whether we are talking about agglomerates or single-piece ones.”
The choice of sugar cane to produce this polyethylene is due to the fact that this plant has a footprint equal to -7 kg of CO2 and only part of it is used to make caps, while the rest is to make ethanol or other productions. “What’s more, to make a thousand cork stoppers it takes 97 liters of water, while to make a thousand Nomacorc 6 liters are enough; practically fifteen times less water.”
We are a plastic free company.

The Pometti Company installed the first photovoltaic panels in 2009 and we have now managed to cover all our energy needs thanks to this fantastic technology.
In case the sun doesn’t always help us, even if we have several kW of batteries, our contracts with external suppliers are only from renewable energy.